Chloe Roma age, real name, wiki, biography


Do you want to know about Chloe Roma ? we have done a research about Chloe Roma net worth in 2022, real name, hеight, son, family, wеight, mother name, Boyfriend, age, wiki, biography, аnd соmрlеtе dеtаil аbоut her lifе

Chloe Roma date of birth is June 1, 1997 and place of birth is Romania. By profession she is a well known TikTok star. 

Chloe Roma age, wiki, biography

Chloe Roma birthday is on June 1, 1997 and born place is Romania. Her age as in 2022 is 25 years old. Gemini is her star sign. She celebrate her birthday every year on June 1. Chloe Sunderland is the real name of Roma Army in which she is recognized in the real life. Roma Army is her well known name. By profession she is a Content Creator, Influencer. The vast majority of details related to the TikTok star is still kept under wraps. In spite of this, she has achieved a great deal of notoriety thanks to her videos, which she records in front of mirrors and displays in a nice way.

Roma Army parents are Mr Sunderland and Mrs Sunderland. She has completed her Graduation. School she went is Crescent Heights High School and College she attended is Mount Royal University. She is staying at Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Chloe Roma Career

Major social media personality better remembered for her romaarmy TikTok channel, where she released videos advocating for gender equality and frequently shot them in the bathroom mirror. She has many followers following her on social media account. In December 2019, she opened a TikTok account. One of the videos that she uploaded to TikTok that went viral had her talking about how difficult life is for guys in today's culture.

Chloe Roma uploaded a video to TikTok in August 2020 set to the song "3 Musketeers (with NextYoungin),"  by NextYoungin and Ppcocaine. 

Major social media personality who is best known for her romaarmy TikTok channel. On this channel, she promoted gender equality through videos that were frequently filmed in the bathroom mirror. On various social media platforms, she has a large number of people following her account. She signed up for TikTok in December 2019 and began using the service. In one of the videos that she posted to TikTok and that went viral, she discussed how challenging life can be for men in today's society.


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